
Monday, May 2, 2011

The New Beastly Movie!
It's a nice movie Starring Vanessa Hudgens and Alex Pettyfer. You should watch it. The movie has a good message.


I love her <3. Isn't she adorable? She is so pretty. And she is really a good dancer. In case you don't know she is a member of IamMe crew. IamMe crew joined ABDC 6 (America's Best Dance Crew 6). They're still in week 5 and it will be released in May 5, 2011.

By : Nathan S.

Nathan S. Web Show Coming Soon!!!

I'll be taking requests of topics and types of programs. I'll be making commercial spoofs too. The only thing that's left is a CAMCORDER. I'll be putting polls for contests. Please Subscribe me in YouTube.
By : Nathan S.

What I think about Ke$ha.

Ke$ha is a MONSTER! Her voice is better when there is no Auto Tune like in the song Goodbye. Everybody knows that Ke$ha loves glitter and blue lipstick. She keeps on making songs like tik tok because tik tok made her really famous. Her first album is Animal. Second is Cannibal. I think Ke$ha is a good person. We don't know that because we can only see one side of her the Glittery and Scary side of her. But some people know everything about her because they are stalkers. I know Ke$ha is a MONSTER but that doesn't mean i hate her. I think Ke$ha makes good music. I like her music. My favorite is Cannibal.

By : Nathan S.

How to resist someone you don't like to talk to

We all get irritated when someone is talking to us but we don't want to talk to them. We keep saying "ok" or "yeah".
Now there's a trick to that situation. It's so easy. Just make a weird face and leave it like that. First he/she will laugh. After a while (still making the weird face) he/she will get irritated. Don't move until he/she goes away and doesn't talk to you anymore. I've tried it before and it was successful. I don't know if anyone did this before but i learned it myself.

by:Nathan S.